Wayne Peach is Office Principal of IPN Valuers Hervey Bay and Maryborough.
Wayne has worked in the property industry since 1983 and has developed a strong reputation in both the Hervey Bay and Maryborough communities. Working with a diverse range of clients all with varying asset valuation or consulting requirements, Wayne’s valuation specialties are:
- Commercial property
- Industrial property
- Rural property
- Residential property
- Development and feasibility studies
- Compensation assessments
As a professional with a commitment to maintaining high industry standards, Wayne’s qualifications and memberships include:
- Member of the Australian Property Institute:
- Admitted as an associate member in 1986.
- Became a Fellow member in 2003.
- Certified Practicing Valuer.
- Past Chairman Northern Territory division of the Australian Property Institute.
- Past Chairman Wide Bay Division of the Australian Property Institute.
- Registered Valuer Queensland
Wayne can be contacted at wayne.peach@ipnvaluers.com.au